July Coda


At the end of each month I give you a review of the months posts.  So, if you missed any, here is a quick overview:

  1. This month included two WAC Updates.
    1. July 8 Update on requirements for State Licensing.
    2. July 22 Update on our top priorities.
  2. Three posts on the WAC values.
    1. Unity in the Body.
    2. World Class Education.
    3. Develop the Whole Person.
  3. How Can I Know if I Am Hearing from God?  This is the second in a series about listening to God.
  4. Seven Hebrew Words That Will Enhance Your Worship: Shabach.  Loud, joyful praise.  This is the second in a series on Hebrew worship terms.
  5. God’s Refrigerator Pictures.  Our Heavenly Father cherishes and seeks our worship, even though it is often no better than a scribbled picture.
  6. Psalm 2.  Psalm 2 is a short dramatic play in four scenes.  The nations versus God’s Anointed.  This is the second post in a series on the Psalms.
Posted in General Worship, Personal Worship, WAC.