WAC Update 9

Last week I met with Rick Sperling of Mosaic Youth Theater of Detroit to look at their former location and discuss the start up needs of WAC.  He has an amazing performing arts program going for the youth of Detroit.  I encourage you to check out their webpage at www.mosaicdetroit.org.

The week before, I met with Flynn Smith of Detroit Bible Institute to learn more about their ministry and discuss the Worship Arts Conservatory.  You can learn more about DBI at www.detroitbible.org.

I have also started to update the certificate programs on the webpage to include details about each course.  So far I have updated the following programs:

The top priorities of the WAC at this time are:

  • Facilities. There is no Conservatory without a location. A location is essential for licensing, advertising and even fundraising. This is our number 1 problem to solve.
  • Funds (Fundraising). Although it is possible, with enough student enrollment, to function without any fundraising, I think that is an unrealistic goal. The more funds we can raise the more complete our start can be. The less money we raise the more we will have to cut back on our programs and quality.
  • Faculty (Hiring). We cannot be licensed without listing the instructors.  One possibility being considered is using part time instructors for the start up.  This would allow us to begin finding instructors now.
  • Students (Advertising/Recruitment). No actual effort has been put into this step yet.

If you have skills to assist us in any of these priorities, please contact me!

by Jerry Wyrick, President of Worship Arts Conservatory

Posted in General Worship.