Admissions Policies

Mixed group of studentsGeneral Eligibility

The minimum requirements for application consideration as a student include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Applicant must be a professing Christian.
  • Applicant must be willing to submit to the Lifestyle Agreement.
  • Applicant must be a Senior in high school or recognized equivalent.
  • Applicant is expected to have a 2.0 or above grade point average (on a 4.0 system). Transfer students are also expected to have a 2.0 GPA in previous college work. Students with a GPA of less than 2.0 may be accepted provisionally.
  • Applicant must demonstrate sufficient ability to succeed in their selected field of study.

Admission to WAC is granted only to those applicants judged to be fully qualified. WAC may admit an applicant who does not meet the criteria if other factors warrant such action. WAC does not knowingly accept applicants who are living illegally in the USA.

Steps for Application

  1. Complete and submit an application form, answering all questions, accompanied by a non-refundable $25.00 application fee.
  2. Submit official (sealed) transcript(s) of high school and any college records, or official GED results.
  3. Submit two reference forms: one Pastoral, and one Academic.
  4. Sign and submit the WAC Lifestyle Agreement.
  5. Video/Portfolio: The following programs of study require the applicant to demonstrate competency:
    1. Worship Leadership, Music Performance, Video/Film, Theater and Dance at the Diploma and Advanced Diploma level: submit a video demo
    2. Music Composition Diploma and Advanced Diploma: submit sample scores w/demo recording
    3. Fine Arts and Graphic Arts at the Diploma and Advanced Diploma level: submit a Portfolio

Application Video/Scores/Portfolio Procedures for Submission

Students in Worship leadership, Music Performance, Dance, Composition of Music, Fine Arts and Graphic Arts who are seeking Diplomas or Advanced Diplomas must submit the following:
Video: All applicants in Worship Leadership, Music Performance, Video/Film, Theater and Dance must submit a video via YouTube along with the application. The video should demonstrate their current competency in their field of study.
Scores: All applicants in Composition of Music must submit at least 3 scores showing their current competency in composing. All scores should be accompanied with a CD recording.
Portfolio: All applicants in Fine Arts and Graphic Arts must submit a portfolio showing their current competency. The portfolio can be on a non-returnable DVD, High Resolution Web-images or the portfolio can be viewed in person by calling the office to set up a meeting date.

Students currently in a Certificate program who wish to seek a Diploma or Advanced Diploma must meet the above requirements or the approval of the department chair.

Audition and Interview

The Worship Arts Conservatory reserves the right to also require an audition and/or interview should they determine it is necessary.

International Students

In addition to the above procedures, all international students must also meet the following requirements:

  • All applicants whose primary language is not English must demonstrate English language proficiency by taking the TOEFL exam.
  • Provide a translation of transcripts.
  • Provide proof of available funds for tuition payment.

Dual Enrollment

Dual enrollment refers to a student who is enrolled both in high school and Worship Arts Conservatory.

  • Students are expected to complete all requirements mandated by their high school for graduation.
  • Admittance in the Dual Enrollment Program offers non-degree status and is valid for one semester.
  • Students are limited to a maximum of eight credit hours per semester.

Admission criteria:

  • Are in grades 9 through 11
  • Have a 3.0 or higher cumulative grade point average

Dual Enrollment does not guarantee credit transfer to an accredited college nor is Worship Arts Conservatory able to accept payment from a school district’s state aid foundation grant. Payment of tuition is the sole responsibility of the students parent or guardian if the student is under 18 years old.

Seniors in High School

The Worship Arts Conservatory will accept High School Seniors who have

  • Completed their junior year with a 2.5 average or higher.
  • Demonstrated sufficient maturity to take college-level courses.
  • Planned to return to high school for the completion of their senior year.

Credit Allowed for Previous Education and Training

The Worship Arts Conservatory may accept credit from colleges, institutes, CLEP examinations and AP credits on a case by case basis.

Happy StudentsStudent Standing

Regular Students: Students who satisfy entrance requirements and are informed of regular standing are considered regular students.
Provisional Students: The Administration will inform students in writing of the cause of their provisional standing. Applicants who do not completely satisfy academic entrance requirements and are informed by the College Administration may be placed on Academic Watch and be required to meet weekly with an academic advisor. Students placed on provisional standing for disciplinary reasons may not hold any elected office, and participation in extracurricular activities is restricted.
Part-Time Students: Students enrolled for fewer than 12 credit hours per semester are part-time students.
Full-Time Students: Students enrolled for 12 credit hours or more per semester are full-time students.