Philosophy of Education

Philosophy of EducationThe goal of education at the Worship Arts Conservatory is to develop mature Christian adults (character) who are trained (concepts) and skilled (competence) in their area of discipline.  As a result, they will be prepared to effectively represent the name of Christ both in the community and the church.

Character begins with an understanding that our relationship with God is central to all else we do.  The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom and knowledge (Proverbs 1:7).  We desire and endeavor to guide each student to have a personal, life changing relationship with God through faith in Jesus Christ.

Although concepts are learned through classroom teaching, it is important to recognize that the goal of education is not limited to transfer of information.  The goal is to develop students who know how to think critically and how to seek and find the information they need for lifelong learning.  Quality education then, necessitates open dialog that is accepting of disagreement and discussion, and the development of research and reasoning skills that lead to wise decision making.  The Christian student must then understand not only what he or she believes but also why.  The student can then use this Christian worldview as a lens for evaluating new information and philosophies.

Competence is developed through practice and practical application of learned skills.  It is essential for students to gain experience using their skills in real world situations so that their skill moves from theory to reality.  By using their skills in a Christian environment they can learn how their skills and talents can be used to bring glory to God and advance His kingdom.