Give the Gift of Education

GiftGive a gift that will have life long value.  Worship Arts Conservatory Christmas Specials make the gift of education truly affordable.  During December there is no application fee and the tuition is only $100 per credit.

Have you considered offering to pay for someone’s education?  Or maybe you have been thinking of getting some more training but have put it off because of the cost.  At our current rates you can take a college-level course for only $200-$300.  That is 16 weeks of education at an amazingly low price.

Who do you know that would really like to get college-level training in Bible, music or worship technology?  Give a gift that will have life long value.

Apply Now

At $100 per credit you are paying only $6.25 per hour of training. Where else can you get college-level education at such an amazingly low price? Since a term is 16 weeks long, a 3 credit course averages out to only $75 per month! Don’t miss out on this chance to get the training you want at such a reasonable cost or give the gift of education at an affordable price.

Apply Now!


Posted in WAC.