Worship Moments, Episode 6 – A True Heart

Episode 2 - Responding to the Presence of God

This is the 6th episode of Worship Moments. In this episode I continue to explore worshiping in spirit and truth. This time I look at worshiping in truth and discuss what it means to have a true heart in worship.

Text of Video

For those who prefer to read, here is the text of the video.

In John 4:23-24 we learn that the true worshiper will worship the Father in spirit and truth. In the last two videos we talked a little about what it means to worship in spirit. Now I am going to turn my attention to worshiping in truth.

I believe that worshiping in truth has multiple possible application and we will look at each one in turn over the next few videos. Today I want to talk about a true heart.

I believe that one of the keys to intimacy with God is a heart that is sincere and open before Him. I think that is what set David apart and why he was called a man after God's own heart. Certainly David failed and failed royally (pun intended) at times. But his heart remained true to God. When God confronted David with His sin, he always repented.

Is your heart true to God? Or is it seeking other things? Fame, Fortune, Pleasure, Safety? Whatever it is that draws you from God – repent of it and focus your heart back on Him.

God is looking for people who will worship Him with a true heart. Repent right now and open yourself to His Spirit. God is with you right now and He is waiting to wrap you in His love as you worship Him with a true heart.

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