Worship Moments, Episode 5 – Worshiping in Spirit, Part 2

Episode 5 - Worshiping in Spirit, Part 2

This is the 5th episode of Worship Moments. In this episode I continue to explore worshiping in spirit and truth with a special focus this time on the Holy Spirit.

Text of Video

For those who prefer to read, here is the text of the video.

Last week we looked at John 4:23-24 and discussed what it means to worship in spirit. I pointed out that since God is not physical we need to worship Him from our spirit. God is more concerned with our internal – our heart – response to Him than our external actions in worship.

I also believe that to worship in spirit we need the enabling of the Spirit. Galatians 4:6 tells us that God has sent His Spirit into our hearts crying, “Abba, Father!” In other words, if I want to experience the intimate Father–child bond with our Heavenly Father it will only happen because of the enabling power of the Holy Spirit.

Intimate worship is a connecting of our spirit with the Heavenly Father through the Holy Spirit. What does not mean exactly? It starts with what we have learned so far in these videos: recognize God is here and respond to Him by opening your heart to His Spirit and allowing Him to lead and guide you as you worship Him.

God is here right now. Open yourself to His Spirit and respond to His presence. Allow Him to change you by His presence.

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