Worship Moments, Episode 8 – True Beliefs

Episode 8 - True Beliefs

In Episode 8 of Worship Moments Dr. Wyrick talks about the importance of true beliefs. It is impossible to worship in truth if our beliefs about God are false.

Text of Video

For those who prefer to read, here is the text of the video.

We have been talking in the last few videos about worshiping God in spirit and truth. In our last two videos we talked about a true heart and true actions. Today I am going to talk about true beliefs.

None of us are perfect and so none of us are going to be correct about everything we believe – even our theological beliefs. So I am not talking about dogmatic belief that marks every Christian that disagrees with you on any point as an apostate.

But it is impossible to worship in truth if what we proclaim during worship is false. And so I encourage you to humbly continue to grow in your knowledge of God and His Word.

We need to allow the Spirit to continue to guide us, as John 16:13 says, into all truth. May we all be seekers of truth, students of His Word, and seekers of God so that our overtures of worship bring pleasure to the Father of truth.

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