Worship Moments, Episode 9 – Only in Christ

Episode 9 - Only in Christ

In Episode 9 of Worship Moments Dr. Wyrick reminds us that there is only one way to enter the presence of God.

Text of Video

For those who prefer to read, here is the text of the video.

Over the last 5 videos we have been looking at what it means in John 4 to worship in spirit and truth. I am going to close out this topic by reminding us of what Jesus said in John 14:6, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”

I don't want to take anything for granted here. If you are not coming to God through Christ than you are not worshiping in truth and God cannot accept your worship. Jesus is the only way to God.

Our worship should be Christ centered and based upon the mercy of God available to us because of the cross. We have no right to stand before God on our own merit. We all sin and only through the sinless life of Christ can we enter the presence of our Holy God.

Do you desire to worship God in spirit and truth? Then start by accepting the gracious gift of Jesus sacrifice for you. Jesus is waiting. God will forgive. The Spirit will heal your heart and guide you into God's presence. Don't wait. Do it today!

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