Come Let Us Adore Him

At Christmas I am drawn to the amazing message of God becoming man. I find the incarnation invites me to adoration and wonder. The quiet beauty and yet hidden power of the event is both peaceful and unsettling at the same time.Humility… who, though he was in the form of God, did not count equality […]

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O Jesu – William Hunnis

O JESU sweet, grant that Thy grace Always so work in me, I may desire the thing to do Most pleasing unto Thee. O Jesu meek, Thy will be mine, My will be Thine also; And that my will may follow Thine In pleasure, pain, and woe. O Jesu, what is good for me Is […]

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What is Worship? Shachah

Shachah is a Hebrew word that calls us to bow down before our God. On Thursdays I have been posting on the meaning of various words related to worship.  Here is a complete list of the words we are studying: Worship Terms Worship – What is the meaning of the English word “Worship?” Shachah – […]

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The God Who Stooped Down

You give me your shield of victory, and your right hand sustains me; you stoop down to make me great. Psalm 18:35 (NIV 1985) What an unusual statement, “…you stoop down to make me great.”  I remember the first time I noticed this phrase.  I thought, “Isn’t this backwards?  Isn’t it all supposed to be […]

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