Ministry Focused

church-cross-on-topWorship Arts Conservatory was developed primarily to prepare people to minister in churches. All of our programs of study require Bible training and hands on experience. Our faculty are all believers who sincerely want to help you reach your ministry goals.

We offer 13 programs of study focused around

  • Christian Ministry
  • Worship
  • Music
  • Technology
  • Visual Arts
  • Communication, and
  • Dance

To see all of our programs of study please go to

The courses we are offering this term are:

  • Spiritual Foundations, 3 credit hours ($150) – learn over 100 ways to deepen your relationship with God.
  • Drawing I, 3 credit hours ($150) – Strengthen your skills to create on paper what your eye sees.
  • Voice Class, 2 credit hours ($100) – Learn the skills and techniques to take your singing to the next level.

If this is not right for you, who do you know who would love to study one of these courses? Pass on this email so they don’t miss out on this great opportunity!


Posted in WAC.