5 Ways You Can Help the Worship Arts Conservatory

5 Ways

The Worship Arts Conservatory is a future college that is dedicated to developing leaders in the worship arts.  Two weeks ago I listed 7 Reasons Why We Need a Worship Arts Conservatory in Detroit and last week I brought you up to date with a WAC Update.  This week I am inviting you to become a part of the wonderfully God sized dream of starting a new college in Detroit.

One of the problems with a dream as large as starting a college is that people cannot see how they can help.  The dream seems too large, too complicated or too specialized for them.  To be honest, I often feel that way when I look at the task ahead.  But, I have good news for you!  There is a task available for any person who wishes to help.  I hope you will choose to be one of them.

How you can help:

  1. Pray.  This is a God sized mission that can only be accomplished if God’s people pray.  Please join with us as we pray for God to make this dream a reality.
  2. Donate a special skill.  We could use help with advertising, video production, finance, academic administration, program development, library research, graphic design, website management, nonprofit legal advice, document writing, general research and more.  Please contact me if you are willing to help.  Or leave a comment to this post.
  3. Pass the word out to as many people as possible.  Every connection we make brings us one step closer to accomplishing our goal.  Who knows if the connection you make might be a future student, donor or volunteer for the college?  Please follow this blog, like us, share us with your friends and encourage others to do the same.
  4. Join the board.  We are looking for key people to join the board.  Our greatest need at this time is a treasurer.  Leave me a message and I would love to discuss this opportunity to be part of the board.  Or leave a comment to the post.
  5. Donate.  We will be starting a fundraiser in April, so stay tuned for upcoming posts on our fundraising plans.  Of course, you don’t have to wait until April.  You can donate any time by going to the Giving tab on our website.  Every dollar counts.

I hope you can see that everyone can help and we certainly need everyone’s help!  Please join with me and the start up team as we bring a new college to Detroit.

Question:  How can you help?  Please leave a comment.

by Jerry Wyrick, President of Worship Arts Conservatory


Posted in WAC.