Recently I have been working with some friends on a project to start a conservatory, located in Detroit, dedicated to worship arts. So why, you may ask, do I think we need a Worship Arts Conservatory? Let me suggest 7 reasons:
- Worship is a priority to God. It is a priority in heaven as we see in the few glimpses we get in scripture (Isaiah 6, Revelation 4-5). It should also be a priority here on earth. WAC (Worship Arts Conservatory) would help make worship a priority in the Detroit area.
- Worship leaders need to be both skilled and trained. In Chronicles 25:7 we are told that the worship leaders for the temple were all trained and skilled in music for the Lord. Worship artists in our churches need to not only have a skill, but also develop that skill through training. WAC would train up artists and prepare them to be effective ministers in our churches and communities.
- There is no college level worship education available in Metropolitan Detroit. Currently there is no place within the five counties surrounding Detroit where someone can get a degree in worship. WAC will remedy this situation.
- Worship is broader than just preaching and music. Worship education in the modern era needs to be much broader than music. We need to be training artists in all the areas associated with producing an effective worship service, such as preaching, visual art, sound production, lighting, drama, video and dance. WAC will offer training in all these areas. See our proposed programs of study.
- We need a local institution where we can train up worship artists. Although there are many colleges that offer worship degrees, a city the size of Detroit should have its own local training site. If you lived on the west side of Michigan you could choose from multiple schools for worship education. WAC will create a place here in Detroit where we can train a new generation of artists for worship.
- Not everyone can relocate. Sure, some people who desire to go into worship ministry can move to a new location to take courses. But this is not possible for everyone. Jobs, ministries in a local church, family ties and financial limitations make it nearly impossible for many to leave. WAC will allow them to stay in the Detroit area and pursue their ministry goals.
- A unique collaborative environment. Although other locations offer worship degrees, WAC will be offering a unique collaborative environment dedicated to developing Christian artists for worship ministry. Worship will not just be an add on to the other college offerings. It will be the primary purpose of the institution.
Interested? Check out our website.
Question: What reason resonates best with you? Why? Can you think of a reason I missed? Please leave a comment.
by Jerry Wyrick, President of Worship Arts Conservatory
Worship Director at Crosspointe Church