Worship Moments, Episode 35 – No Right Way

Episode 35 - No Right Way

In Episode 35 of Worship Moments, Dr. Wyrick invites us to let the Spirit lead us in physical worship.

For those who prefer to read, below is the text of the video:

As I have talked about physical worship in these videos, I hope one thing is becoming clear: There is not one right way or one right posture to take in worship.

The key is to let your emotions and words be reflected in your body during prayer and worship. God deserves so much more than ritual prayer or half-hearted singing.

I also want to point out that we are all at different points in our spiritual journey. Some of us, like myself, grew up in a tradition that frowned upon any type of physical worship except kneeling and singing. Others of you have been dancing in worship since you were a child.

We all need to let God work in others at whatever point they are now. I should not judge the person who is dancing, but neither should the dancer judge the one who is still struggling to open their hands to God.

My encouragement is to not worry about other people and focus on yourself and God. What does it mean for you to worship God with your body as well as your mind and voice? What is God calling you to do. Let the Spirit guide you. If your worship is restricted, what is the next step for you?

If it is simply opening your hands in front of you, do it. If it is dancing, do it. If it is falling prostrate, do it. Listen to the Spirit and let Him guide you. Why not try it right now?

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