Worship Moments 29 – Clapping in Worship

Episode 29 - Clapping

In this episode Dr. Wyrick talks about the biblical support for clapping in worship.

Text of Video

For those who prefer to read, here is the text of the video.

In the last couple videos we have discussed why we lift our hands in worship. In this video we will talk about clapping.

Maybe you never realized that clapping is a form of worship mentioned in the bible. Psalm 47 tells us to “Clap your hands, all you peoples; shout to God with a jubilant cry.” In Psalm 98:8 even the rivers are encouraged to clap their hands. In Isaiah 55:12 we are told the trees of the field with clap their hands.

Here are a few ways that clapping can be used in worship:

Clapping hands to the beat of an energetic worship song is a natural way for us to allow our bodies to join with our minds and voices as we praise God.
Another way to use clapping in worship is to clap at the end of a song as a way of expressing our joy in God and saying “we agree” with the message of the song.
A third way is to clap when the message of the song reaches a crescendo of excitement such as when a song talks about the resurrection of Jesus from the tomb.
Finally we can simply make a clap offering to God. Just as we would clap to show appreciation for someone, we can do the same for God.

Your posture impacts your worship. Why not give clapping a try? Pick an upbeat worship song and clap along. Or simply stop right now and make a clap offering to God. It is a simple way to allow your body to join in with your worship.

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