June Coda 2


Here is a list of last months posts:

  1. Updates
    1. June 9 – Tuition Specials
    2. June 16 – Upcoming Events:  WAC and SNACk, Elements of Music Course, Early Bird Specials
    3. June 30 – We are now licensed by the State of Michigan!
  2. Simple Prayer – The value of simple heartfelt prayer.
  3. Worship Terminology:  Eucharist – The Lord’s Supper is a time of thanksgiving.
  4. New Instructor for Technology:  Aaron Welch
  5. Psalm 13 – How Long?  A commitment to sing in the midst of trials.

Starting Thursday this blog will begin to feature posts by various WAC faculty.  Thursday we will have our first post by Allen Sipe, Instructor of Bible and Theology at WAC.

Posted in General Worship.