Worship Moments, Episode 24 – The Bible Demonstrates Physical Worship

Episode 24 - The Bible Demonstrates Physical Worship

In Episode 24 of Worship Moments, Dr. Wyrick reminds us that physical acts of worship are demonstrated throughout the Bible.


Text of Video

For those who prefer to read, here is the text of the video.

In this video I am going start a series on physical worship. I believe a lot of worshipers are missing out because they simply do not understand the importance of physical worship.

What do I mean by physical worship? I am talking about using the body as part of your worship.

Throughout the Bible, especially the psalms, if we only stop to look, we see that God is constantly talking about physical actions during worship: raising hands, clapping, singing, shouting, playing music, incense, sacrifice, bowing, falling down and even dancing.

Yes, it is true that God is more concerned with the internal – with our hearts – than the external. But that does not mean that the external is unimportant. God wants us to worship with our bodies as well as our minds.

Are you willing? If so, take a moment and worship God both with your mind and your body. If not, what is holding you back? Talk to God about it right now.

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