Worship Moments, Episode 10 – God Is Seeking Worshipers

Episode 10 - God Is Seeking Worshipers

In Episode 10 of Worship Moments Dr. Wyrick talks about the amazing truth that God seeks for worshipers.

Text of Video

For those who prefer to read, here is the text of the video.

We have been looking at John 4:23-24 and talking about what it means to worship in spirit and truth. Now I will direct your attention to the end of verse 23 were Jesus says, “the Father is seeking such people to worship him.”

I want you to think about that for a second. The Creator of the universe – the self sufficient Trinity – the God who needs nothing – is seeking for something. What could the one who owns all things possibly be looking for?

God is seeking people who will worship Him in spirit and truth.

I don't want you to misunderstand me. I am not saying God needs you to worship Him. I am saying God wants you to worship Him. In other words, every time you worship God you offer Him a gift that He is seeking.

Wow! We can offer to God something that He desires: our worship – our love – ourselves.

Why not do it now? Take a moment right now to offer up a gift of praise to your Heavenly Father.

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