Hands-On Experience in Worship Leadership

At Worship Arts Conservatory we understand that ministry training is more than head knowledge.  In fact, from the beginning we have listed in our Philosophy of Education three parts to our training:

  • Character – If I am going to lead others into recognizing God’s presence, then I need to begin with my own heart.
  • Concepts – If I am going to be effective in ministry, then there are many things I need to know. This can be developed best through a mixture of classroom training and personal experience.
  • Competence – If I am going to become skilled at what I do, I am going to need to first practice those skills and then use them in a real world environment.

Through our Worship Internships we combine, in-depth training with hand-on experience. If you are accepted for one of our internships, you will receive a scholarship to WAC that will allow you to take at least 6 credits of courses. These courses will help develop your Character, Concepts and Competence.

The internship, added to your classroom training, enables you to apply this learning to a real world ministry situation. This hands-on experience will both expand your learning and develop your resume for your future career in ministry.

If you are dreaming about a career in ministry then this is your next step. Gain …

  • Hand-on experience in ministry
  • Quality education
  • Resume development, and
  • the joy of knowing you are helping change lives through ministry

All of this can start this Summer!

We have only 2 spots left. So act today!

For more information check out our Internship Page.

To apply send a cover letter indicating your interest and skills to: jerry.wyrick@worshiparts.net

Image by Ruthanne Reid [CC BY 2.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0)], via Wikimedia Commons
Posted in WAC.