Feed Your Spirit

If you are anything like me, you have had plenty of opportunities to feed your body. During the holidays we surround ourselves with food. But have you taken time to feed your spirit?

If we neglect to feed our spirit we can end up physically full but still feeling empty inside. Worship Arts Conservatory is offering 3 courses for Winter term that will help feed your spirit.

  • Spiritual Foundations – learn how to keep spiritually full by spending time with God every day. Learn 100’s of techniques you can use to develop a closer walk with God.
  • Bible Study Methods – learn how to dig into the meat of God’s Word so that you have an endless supply of solid food for your spirit.
  • Worship Theology – learn what the Bible has to say about worshiping God. We were made to worship God and your spirit will always be hungry until you learn to worship God in spirit and truth.

Classes begin January 9 so Apply Today!

Please pass this on to someone you know is hungry for more of God.


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