Over the last few weeks I have discussed the first six values of the Worship Arts Conservatory, which are:
The last value is Collaboration. The website states:
We believe that worship is more engaging and effective when it involves a variety of artistic media. Therefore we encourage collaboration between the various departments.
Because God loves diversity it is important for us to seek to develop students that see worship as larger than their area of specialty. The person preaching needs to understand the value of art, music and drama; the person leading music needs to appreciate the importance of the sermon and the value of visual and dramatic arts; the visual artist needs to see how their element fits into the overall scheme of the service; and they all need to appreciate the complexity of the technical arts.
When properly combined, each element of the service supports and strengthens the others. It is our desire to train worship artists that understand the importance of collaboration in developing an effective worship service.
Question: What has been your experience in seeing collaboration enhance a worship service? Please leave a comment.
by Jerry Wyrick, President of Worship Arts Conservatory