You Need to Take This Course!

“It is impossible for a believer, no matter what his experience, to keep right with God if he will not take the trouble to spend time with God. . . . Spend plenty of time with God; let other things go, but don’t neglect Him.” Oswald J. Chambers

We all know that we need to spend regular time with God, but so many things pull at our time. We really do want to spend more time, but it seems like we never get around to it. Or maybe you are spending time with God, but – and you are afraid to even admit it – your devotional time is stale and you feel like you are just going through the motions.

MIN-110 Spiritual Foundations is a course designed specifically to help you develop a consistent personal time of worship and to investigate a variety of ways to approach your time with God.

What will you learn in this course?

  • The process of spiritual formation
  • Various ways to worship God
  • How your personality impacts your spirituality
  • How to open yourself to God
  • How to hear God through the Bible
  • How to relinquish your false view of yourself
  • How to pray and multiple ways to pray
  • Ways to share your life with others
  • How to live the love of Christ
  • How to spend a day in prayer

This course includes over 100 ways to deepen your relationship with God!

Don’t put off this opportunity to develop your faith and draw closer to God. We all need to grow in our faith, so please share this with a friend.


Posted in WAC.