Woship Moments, Episode 43 – Joining with Other Believers in Worship

Episode 43 - Holy Nation Worship

In Episode 43 of Worship Moments, Dr. Wyrick reminds us that we worship together as a holy nation around the world.

For those who prefer to read, below is the text of the video:

You never worship alone. 1 Peter 2:9 tells us that we, as Christians, are a “chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for His possession, so that you may proclaim the praises of the One who called you out of darkness into Him marvelous light.”

When I worship God, especially on Sundays, I like to remind myself that I am not alone in worshiping Him. In fact, I am part of a great nation of people who are chosen to proclaim His praises. Not a nation based upon a geographical location, but one based upon faith in Christ.

When you think of all the Christians world-wide, I think it is pretty safe to say that someone on earth is worshiping God at almost any given moment. But this is even more true on Sundays.

When you gather to worship on Sundays, whether you see one other person or five thousand, you are just catching a glimpse of the endless worship that is being lifted up to God. You are never alone in your worship!

God is constantly being enthroned in the praises of His people. Take some time right now and join in the celebration. Join with your holy nation in praising God!

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