Worship Moments 49 – God Is Rest

Worship Moments, Episode 49 - God Is Rest

In Episode 49 of Worship Moments, Dr. Wyrick encourages us to contemplate the rest we have in God.

For those who prefer to read, below is the text of the video:

God is love. God brings peace. And in this knowledge we can rest.

Rest is something we all need. Our world runs at a crazy speed. We fill every waking moment with activity. When we do have a break we immediately take out our phone and start looking for something to do – whether it is social media, our news feed or a game.

We never slow down.

But God calls us to rest. In the Old Testament law He even required a whole day of rest every week.

So why don't we slow down? There are many reasons – money, fear of silence, the tyranny of the urgent, and striving for success are just a few.

But God calls us to rest. The key to rest is to trust God for all of the things that are calling us to run at full speed. Simply set them all aside and stop...

Rest in God. No striving. No rushing. No worrying. Just rest.

Sometimes that is all we need to do when worshiping God. Simply rest in His loving, peaceful presence and trust Him for tomorrow. Are you ready to rest? Why not now?

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