Dr. Jerry and Julie Wyrick

WAC Update: President Moving to Full Time

Full Time Ministry

Over the last few months it has become evident that to effectively lead WAC to its next level of growth I will need to give it more time and focus. The board of Worship Arts Conservatory supports my call to lead WAC to the next level and recognizes that doing so will require 100% of my time and energy.

I am transitioning to full-time as President starting May 1, 2016 and to make this possible Julie and I will be raising our support as missionaries for Worship Arts Conservatory. This move to full time ministry will allow us to spend more time on student recruitment, church relationships, fundraising and overall executive leadership.

How can you help?

First of all Julie and I need your prayers. I believe God is more than able to supply, but I also believe God has chosen to work through the prayers and support of His people.

One of the ways I will be raising support is through home parties where people can come and hear about our vision for WAC and consider supporting the mission. If you or someone in your church is willing to host a party please let me know.

Finally we would love to have a few churches that become supporters of WAC. If you think your church would be interested in learning more about our ministry, I would be happy to come and meet with your church leadership.

Thank you for your prayers,

Jerry Wyrick


Posted in WAC.