WAC Update – future employment opportunities

WAC Organizational Chart

Last week I completed job descriptions for many of the staff positions that will need to be filled to run the Worship Arts Conservatory.  All of the positions are dependent on student enrollment and all hire dates will be after January 2014.

Possible future positions include:

  • Dean of Students
  • Provost
  • Vice President of Financial Affairs
  • Director of Admissions
  • Director of Advancement
  • Director of Financial Aid
  • Facility Manager
  • IT Manager
  • Library Director
  • Student Recruiter
  • Department Chairs
  • Professors
  • Private lesson teachers

Check out our employment tab to see the proposed org chart and job descriptions for most of these positions.

Do you know of someone who would be interested and qualified for one of these positions?  If so please contact me.

by Jerry Wyrick, President of Worship Arts Conservatory
Worship Director at Crosspointe Church


Posted in WAC.