WAC Update 34

We are now making plans for our Winter Term.  Our initial plans are to offer:

New Testament Survey
Doctrines of the Christian Faith
Elements of Music
Introduction to Worship Technology
Voice Class

This is very much a first pass at our course offerings and may change before registration.

I talked to our IRS agent again and she is completing the paperwork for approval for tax exempt status.  The only catch is that it may take another 8 weeks for it to be processed before we will actually receive our tax ID number.  So, yes, we will be tax exempt, but no, we cannot provide anyone with proof of it.  That leaves us with more waiting game before we can seek funding from foundations.

Our biggest need right now is funding.  We need to do a professional advertising campaign and that requires capital.  Please be praying for wisdom on how to raise the necessary funds.  If you are willing to help with fundraising, would like to make a donation or know of someone who would, please contact me.


Posted in WAC.