We are now only about 6 months from start of classes! Here are a few of the activities we are currently involved in:
Location: We have a selected location but need $5,400 1st months rent and security deposit to sign the lease. This is the number one barrier to the forward motion of WAC. To advertise we need to be licensed by the state of Michigan. To be licensed we need to have a location. To have a location we need to sign a lease. To sign the lease we need this money. If you can help us out with a donation towards this please contact me.
Affiliated Churches: We now have three churches listed on our affiliated churches page. If your church is not listed, please encourage them to sign up with us. All we are asking is permission to list your church and to be able to promote WAC in your church.
Online Applications: I hope very soon to have online applications available. We have purchased a program to manage our database and are in the process of implementing it.
Logo: We are on round 2 of our logo vote. You can find it here. Please vote and share it with everyone.
Faculty: We are seeking adjunct faculty for the following programs – Communication (video/theater), Technology (Sound/Lighting), Dance and Visual Arts. If you know of someone who might be interested and has a Master’s Degree in a related field, please have them contact me
by Jerry Wyrick, President of Worship Arts Conservatory