The Worship Arts Conservatory began its first fundraiser on April 12. Our first day was excellent, with over $600 given. As of Monday morning we were at $700.
So what can be done with $700? This first funds will go to finishing our nonprofit 1023 form and making sure that it is completed correctly. The form is 31 pages long plus the required supporting documents. If the form is not completed correctly then it goes into a waiting cue which currently is 6 months long. The form is especially complicated because we are an educational institution with special questions concerning how we will handle student aid. This form is used to obtain tax exempt status from the IRS.
To make sure we do it correctly the first time, we are going to hire a company that specializes in doing the 1023 form. Once the form is completed we will also need to pay a filing fee. What you have helped us do is start the process with the company. Hopefully by the time the form is completed we will also have raised the necessary filing fee.
At this point we are about 6% of the way. Ideally we would reach 10% by day four – which is today, so we still need to raise another $500. Please pass the word out. Partner with us as we start a new college in Detroit.