This psalm is very similar in theme to Psalm 30. Once more we find David describing a time when he felt overwhelmed by life. As we look at how David handled distress we learn how we can also make it through troubled times.
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O Jesu – William Hunnis
O JESU sweet, grant that Thy grace Always so work in me, I may desire the thing to do Most pleasing unto Thee. O Jesu meek, Thy will be mine, My will be Thine also; And that my will may follow Thine In pleasure, pain, and woe. O Jesu, what is good for me Is […]
Continue readingHaving All in Having Thee – John Newton
Fix my heart and eyes on thine! What are other objects worth? But to see thy glory shine, Is a heav’n begun on earth: Trifles can no longer move, O, I tread on all beside, When I feel my Saviour’s love, And remember how he died. Now my search is at an end, Now my […]
Continue readingPsalm 20 – A Blessing
Psalm 20 is a wonderful prayer of blessing. One of my favorite things to do with a psalm is to use it as a guide for my own prayer time. This psalm was originally written as a blessing for the king of Israel but why not pray this blessing over someone you know or use […]
Continue readingPsalm 17 – Prayer for Protection
In this psalm David provides us with a very heartfelt prayer for protection. Have you ever felt beaten down by the unfair actions of others? Then pray this prayer for protection.
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The desire for safety touches on one of our primary perceived needs. We all desire to be safe and know our friends and family are safe. In Psalm 16 we learn how David handled his desire for safety.
Continue readingPsalm 11 – God Enthroned in Heaven
Where can I go when the world crumbles around me? This is the question David addresses in Psalm 11.
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