Hand strumming a guitar

Our Most Popular Course

Winter Classes start in only 2 weeks. If you haven’t registered for a class you should do it soon. If you haven’t applied to be a student, then you should do it today! It can take a little time to process a new application.

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Guitar Class

Over the last few years our most popular course has been the guitar class. You can take the guitar course this Winter on Tuesdays at 7 pm in Midtown. It is a very comprehensive course that covers everything you need to know to play acoustic guitar in a worship band. This course starts at the very beginning with the simplest possible chords and progressives very quickly to intermediate and some advanced topics. Some of the things you will learn include:

  • The most important chords to know
  • How to use a capo to play in any key
  • Common strumming patterns
  • How to read music
  • How to read chord symbols
  • And so much more.

Interested in learning how to play guitar? Then sign up for Guitar Class at Worship Arts Conservatory.

Apply today!

Posted in WAC.