The New Testament is the foundation of our Christian faith. In it we find the four Gospels and the writings of the apostles. Do you desire to better understand the themes and purpose of the New Testament books? Would you like to take a deeper look at the primary authors and historical settings of each book? Are you interested in understanding the differences between the four Gospels? New Testament Survey is developed specifically to guide you to a fuller understanding of the books of the the New Testament and their impact on our Christian faith.
Save money by studying at Worship Arts Conservatory
Christian colleges charge between $200-$700 per credit. One 3 credit course could cost you $600-$2,100. We charge only $150 for the same course. You will receive 12 weeks of education, including 45 hours of training by a qualified instructor.
Your Instructor: Samantha Scott
M.A. Biblical Studies, Lee University
M.A. Theological Studies, Lee University