Be Inspired Again – Exaltation! Detroit Worship Arts Conference

Ministry can be tiring.

There is the constant pressure to produce quality content every Sunday. Once you have completed Sunday you must turn around and prepare for the next one – Sunday after Sunday.

On top of that there are the personal issues that come with working with people. Maybe you are dealing with theological or stylistic debates in your congregation, or maybe there are sin issues in your ministry. Possibly you are struggling with having enough people to really have an effective ministry.

If you are feeling stressed, you are not alone. found that 67% of those that lead worship or direct music in local churches for a vocation say the job is stressful. In fact, they found that it is one of the top 15 most stressful jobs.

One of our goals at Exaltation is to help you be inspired again. Meet other worship leaders, pastors and volunteers, relax and join in worship instead of leading it, get new ideas and be reminded why you do worship ministry.

Exaltation! Detroit Worship Arts Conference is coming April 30, so register today!


Posted in WAC.