Grow Your Faith This Summer


Summer is a time when most of us think of vacations and relaxing in the sun. It seems like we are always going and we all need to get a break. We all need rest. But Summer is also a time when many of us have less responsibilities. It is a season where we can do something we have wanted to do but just didn't have the time.

Rest is important. Make sure you plan time for rest and relaxation this Summer, but don't waist your whole Summer on entertainment.


Make time to grow your faith through one of Worship Arts Conservatory's Bible courses. Here are the four courses we are planning on offering this Summer. Which one sounds interesting to you?


New Testament Survey

A survey of the literature and interpretation of the New Testament. Attention will be given to the central themes, and the authorship, date, setting, theme, purpose, structure and general content of each book. The life of Christ, history of the church and impact of the Apostle Paul will also be highlighted.

Bible Study Methods

Study the basic principles and methods of Bible study. Procedures are learned for the careful observation, analysis and interpretation of the text.

Theology I

An introduction to the doctrines of the Christian faith with an emphasis on those that are accepted by all evangelical denominations especially as evidenced by the creeds of the faith.

Spiritual Foundations

A study of the disciplines and practices that help a person develop a growing and dynamic relationship with God. Learn and practice a variety of disciplines that have helped Christians throughout the ages draw closer to God.

All course offerings are tentative. Final courses are dependent upon sufficient enrollment and available faculty.

Are you looking for a Music, Art or Dance class? Then go to our Course Offerings page and find a course that fits your needs.

If you are not already a student, you will need to apply. Courses begin May 7 so apply today!

Posted in WAC.