Don Carey, the keynote speaker for our September 12 fundraising banquet, will have signed copies of his new book available for sale at our banquet. Don Carey, a safety for the Detroit Lions, has just published a book entitled “I Am Not Better Than You.” The book is scheduled to release in October, but you can get copies at our banquet in September.
In a Detroit Free Press article Don explains his motivation for writing the book. “The reason that I wrote the book is my wife and I go throughout the country and speak to youth in the off-season all the time,” said Carey, one of the NFL’s elite special-teams gunners. “And we’re shocked at how many people have a goal or dream but they don’t really have a practical way of getting that. So this book is really about things that I did and situations that I was in that helped me accomplish my goals.
“And hopefully a kid can read maybe one chapter and be like, ‘OK, if I just do that.’ Or another chapter, ‘Maybe if I implement that.’ Or maybe a kid can read it and say, ‘I’m already doing this.’ That’s encouragement to keep going. If I can do that, help one person, I’m happy.”
Read more about his book in this Detroit Free Press Article.
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