Equip Seminar – Worship Presenter

Equip Seminar on March 2nd

Don't miss our Equip Seminar on March 2nd, 2019,  9:30 am, at Lakeside Community Church.

We will have four different topic areas for our Breakout sessions:

  • Worship
  • Bible
  • Audio
  • Art

Worship Presenter: Dr. Jerry Wyrick

Our Worship Presenter will be Dr. Jerry Wyrick, President of Worship Arts Conservatory. Dr. Wyrick has over 30 years experience leading worship in a wide variety of styles. He is currently the worship leader at Lakeside Community Church.

Jerry will be offering these two breakouts:

  • More Than Reading: Encountering God in the Bible
  • Sunday Comes Every Week: Simplifying the Worship Planning Process

Register Today!

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EQUIP webpage

For more information, please go to our Equip webpage: worshiparts.net/equip

Posted in WAC.