The Worship Arts Conservatory is a Detroit based college dedicated to helping passionate worshipers become skilled and confident servants of Christ.
Why should you study with us?

You want to study in an environment where Christ is lifted up. We are Christ-centered. Our courses are focused towards helping you become a better servant of Christ, not just a better trained person.
Your budget is tight and you are concerned about the rising cost of higher education. We are much less expensive than the average college. Our tuition is priced lower than most colleges and we offer both commuter and online options. The average private college costs approximately $30,000 per year. The average student in 2016 borrowed $4,600 to pay for college. Don't take out a loan - instead save money by attending Worship Arts Conservatory. Full time studies at WAC will cost only around $5,000 per year! Much of this cost may be offset by scholarships and the credits will transfer to our accredited degree partners.
You want to know that you will receive a high quality education. All of our courses are taught by experts in their field who have at least masters degree or equivalent experience. Our teachers also all have real world experience doing exactly what they are teaching. Take a look at our excellent faculty.
Save money by staying home.
Why leave your home to seek christian education when it is available right here for you? By staying home you will keep your family, church and friends as a support network as you make the transition to college life and be able to continue to serve in your home church. Since we are a commuter and online college you also save money by not having to pay for room and board.
You are looking for worship arts or ministry training. We are a unique institution focused totally on ministry and Worship Arts. Our programs are specifically tailored to the Christian with an emphasis on application in a church setting.
Smaller Class Size
You want to be a valued person not just a face in the crowd. Because of our smaller student body, you will find that our class sizes allow for personalized faculty attention and encouraging relationships.
Our website is full of information but here are a few quick links to get you started: