Mountain Climber

Accomplish Your Ministry Dream and Save Money

Whether your goal is to become a more skilled volunteer or to prepare for full-time Christian ministry, Worship Arts Conservatory has the courses you need to get started.

Programs of Study

We offer programs of study in Worship Arts and Ministry:

  • Christian Ministry
  • Worship Leadership
  • Worship Performance
  • Songwriting
  • Worship Technology
  • Audio Production
  • Fine Arts
  • Graphic Arts
  • Dance

Save Money

The average cost for an online college course is $200-$300 per credit which comes to at least $600 per 3 credit course. At Worship Arts Conservatory you can take the same course for only $150. That is a 75% savings!

To make things even more convenient, all of our courses are offered online.

Don't wait any longer to begin your education. Apply today!

Winter Term Courses


ART-210 Design I – 3 credit hours

An introduction to the abstract elements of line, texture, shape, space, color, values and patterns. Employ basic media techniques and tools with emphasis on craftsmanship.

ART-230 Digital Imagery – 3 credit hours

An introduction to photography. Provides foundational instruction in digital based photographic imagery. Learn to plan and produce digital images that demonstrate an understanding of composition, light, color and visual impact. Prerequisite: ART-110 or approval of Art Department.

Bible and Theology

BIL-110 New Testament Survey – 3 credit hours

A survey of the literature and interpretation of the New Testament. Attention will be given to the central themes, and the authorship, date, setting, theme, purpose, structure and general content of each book. The life of Christ, history of the church and impact of the Apostle Paul will also be highlighted.

THE-210 Theology I – 3 credit hours

An introduction to the doctrines of the Christian faith with an emphasis on those that are accepted by all evangelical denominations especially as evidenced by the creeds of the faith.


DAN-101 Introduction to Worship Dance – 3 credit hours

An introduction to dance as a means of worship by examining the history, terminology and basic techniques of dance as applied to a Christian setting.

Music and Worship

MUS-105 Elements of Music – 2 credit hours

An introduction to the fundamentals of music: rhythm, major and minor scales, key signatures, triads, and simple tonal harmony.

MUS-230 Choral Conducting – 3 credit hours

An introduction to the basic conducting techniques with an emphasis on application in a choral setting. Master the standard beat patterns, learn to communicate cues, tempo, dynamics and mood.

WOR-220 Worship Band Techniques – 3 credit hours

Learn how to have an effective worship rehearsal. Learn how to prepare for rehearsal, techniques for an effective rehearsal, characteristics and uses of each of the main instruments in a standard rhythm section, and characteristics of various contemporary music styles. Prerequisite: MUS-110 or approval of Music Department.

Apply Now.

If this is not right for you, who do you know who would love to take one of these courses? Share this post so they don't miss out on this great opportunity!

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