Audio Production Advanced Diploma

The Audio Production Advanced Diploma is a 131 credit hour program designed to lay a solid foundation for doing audio production as a career. Anticipated date: 2017.
All programs are for discussion purposes only.  Final course offerings have not yet been determined.

General Education – 44 credit hours

Technology requirement: Introduction to Worship Technology – 3 credit hours
Science Requirement: Acoustics

Bible Core Classes – 18 credit hours

General Technology – 10 credit hours

Introduction to Electronic Media – 3 credit hours
A/V Technical Production – 3 credit hours
Technology Internship – 4 credit hours

Audio – 30 credit hours

Audio Production I – 3 credit hours
Live Sound Production – 3 credit hours
Audio Production II – 3 credit hours
Mixing and Mastering – 3 credit hours
Digital and Advanced Recording – 3 credit hours
Production Sound – 6 credit hours
Music Producing I – 3 credit hours
Music Producing II – 3 credit hours
Audio for Post Production – 3 credits

Video – 9 credit hours

Film and Video Production I – 3 credit hours
Media Aesthetics – 3 credit hours
Media Business – 3 credit hours

Music – 20 credit hours

Music Theory I – 3 credit hours
Ear Training I – 1 credit hour
Music History I – 3 credit hours
Music History II – 3 credit hours
Worship Music History – 2 credits
Applied Study I – 2 credit hours
Applied Study II – 2 credit hours
Ensemble Credits – 4 credit hours
select from any MUS-240 or MUS-250 class