Today is April Fools’ Day. When I first started thinking about starting a Worship Arts Conservatory I felt like it was a fool’s dream. Most of all I feared raising the enormous funds necessary to start this college. But after seeking counsel I felt convinced that God wanted me to pursue the dream.
So, now it is time for the start up team to raise funds. It is time to face my biggest fear–my fear that this dream will be shown to be a fool’s dream. So how do we go about raising the necessary funds? As with any large task, it becomes much easier when we break it down into manageable pieces, so we have broken the fundraising down into smaller, more achievable steps.
Our first step is to raise $12,000 to allow us to finish up some of the foundational tasks. This first step is partially a Gideon’s fleece to see whether God wants us to move forward with this dream at this time. We believe God will speak through your giving.
This first fundraising step will start on April 12th. If you believe this is a dream from God please consider helping us move this fool’s dream into reality. Every contribution will help. Every dollar counts.
Question: What questions do you have concerning the Worship Arts Conservatory? Please leave a comment.
by Jerry Wyrick, President of Worship Arts Conservatory