8 Weeks Until Fall Term

I hope you are enjoying your summer. In the midst of your summer fun I would like to sneak in a reminder that Fall Term is coming in only eight weeks.

List of Courses

Here is a first look at our tentative Fall Term 2018 courses.

BIL 110 New Testament Study
BIL 130 Bible Study Methods
COM 210 Communication Theory
MUS 110 Music Theory I
MUS 115 Ear Training I
ART 101 Introduction to Visual Arts
MUS 125 Guitar Class
MUS 252 Instrumental Ensemble
DAN 101 Introduction to Worship Dance

Which courses look most interesting to you? Are you working on a specific program of study and would like advise on what course to take next? Contact me and I would be happy to help you schedule out your Fall Term.

Bird with worm

Early Bird Special

This term we are adding an Early Bird Special. If you register by August 13 we will wave our $25 Enrollment Fee.

OK ... to be totally transparent, this is a new fee for us. We get charged every term by our software provider for each registered student and we are simply passing the fee on down to help cover our costs.

But the good news is that you can avoid this fee! Just register for classes by August 13.

Early registration really helps us prepare for the term. It allows us to know if we have enough students for a course and gives the teacher a better picture of his or her class size. So this is our way to encourage you to sign up a little earlier this year.

Limited Internship Spots

It is our goal to have 5 interns this year. The number of internship spots is limited so the sooner you let me know you are interested, the more likely you are to get an internship.

Apply Today

Registration hasn't opened yet, but if you are not already an accepted student, your first step is to apply as a student. Click the button below to get started.

Jerry Wyrick

Jerry Wyrick
Worship Arts Conservatory

Posted in WAC.