Only 3 More Days Before 2018

What are You Going to Do?

After today there are only 3 more days left in 2017. How are you going to spend them? I have one more party to attend and I will be leading worship on Sunday. Other than that I plan to simply relax with my family. I hope you also have an enjoyable end to the year.

The Most Generous Time of the Year

Did you know that the last 3 days of the year many people give their largest gifts to their favorite charities? It could be the desire to get in a last tax benefit or maybe they just procrastinated 🙂 According to multiple sources, over 10% of giving occurs on the last 3 days of the year. That means the odds are high that you might be thinking of giving a few last minute gifts this year.

Would you consider Worship Arts Conservatory? Please consider partnering with us as we bring Christian higher education to Detroit.

December 31

If you want to get your gift in before the end of the year you will need to make sure it is dated before midnight on December 31. We make that easy for you. Simply click on the link below and you can partner with us online.


Thank you for your prayers and support!


Posted in WAC.