The Secret to a Successful Spiritual Life

I know, it seems a little presumptuous to suggest I know the one secret to a successful spiritual life, but I really do believe there is one foundational action step you can take that will reap long term and even short term benefits in your spiritual walk.  What is it?  It is simply to have a daily personal time with God.

Now, you are saying, that this is not a secret.  You already knew you should spend time with God every day.  True, but very few people actually do it consistently.  Maybe it is not a secret in the sense that most people don’t know about it.  But the way most people live, you would think it was a secret.

The first step is having a regular time with God.  Think through your day.  When is the best time for you to get alone and spend time with God?  Stop right now and think about it.  Now commit to meeting God at that time every day.  Set aside some time.  Even five minutes each day will make a difference in your life.

Once each month I will be posting on ways to keep your time with God fresh.  I have made it a practice to collect ideas and techniques for personal worship.  I will be sharing them with you, so stay tuned.

Maybe you would like a simple step by step approach to spending time with God.  One that allows you to choose how much time you want to spend and then guides you through the process.  If so, check out my prayer website.

Question:  What have you done that has helped you have a consistent time with God?  Please Leave a comment.

by Jerry Wyrick, President of Worship Arts Conservatory

Posted in Personal Worship.