Psalm 13 – How long?

“How long, O Lord?  Will you forget me forever?”  David begins this psalm with an anguished exclamation of his frustration.  I find it so refreshing to read David’s complaints – his honesty and openness with God.  David is not afraid to speak what he feels.

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Psalm 6 – How Long?

One of my spiritual passions has been reading the Psalms. As a worship leader I have always felt that the Psalms were especially relevant to my ministry.  Once a month I will be sharing a Psalm with you. So far we have looked at Psalm 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.

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The Silence of God

This song expresses something that is rarely talked about in Christian circles: the Silence of God. There have been many times when I have been overwhelmed by the silence of God.  I have prayed fervently for someone or something and all I get in response to my prayers is the deafening silence of an […]

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