Psalm 59 – Deliver Me

Sometimes it seems like all of our prayers are, “God, Help me!” If you are in one of those seasons, you are not alone. Over and over in the psalms we see David crying out to God for help. Yet through it all David continues to find hope.

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Help me thru this hard time

Psalm 54 – God Is My Help

Ever feel like the whole world was against you? In Psalm 54 David, while fleeing from Saul, finds himself betrayed by the people who live in the area in which he is hiding. (You can read about it in 1 Samuel 23.) David realizes that his army is not large enough to defeat Saul and, […]

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Nebula that looks like an eye.

Psalm 53 – God Looks Down

What does God see when He looks down on humanity? Psalm 53 addresses this question. Interestingly, the numerical value for the Hebrew word translated “looks down” is 72 and this psalm is 72 words long in the original Hebrew. God is always watching and looking, but what does He see?

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Words of Wisdom – Psalm 49

The author of Psalm 49 wants to give you wisdom to guide your life. Will you listen? Hear this, all you peoples;     listen, all who live in this world, Psalm 49:1 The psalmist encourages us to have an eternal perspective on our lives and on money. He does this by focusing on the inevitability of […]

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