Unity of the Faith – Prayer by John Calvin

Grant, Almighty God, that since under the guidance of thy Son we have been united together in the body of thy Church, which has been so often scattered and torn asunder, O grant that we may continue in the unity of faith, and perseveringly fight against all the temptations of this world, and never deviate […]

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Does God Really Answer Prayer?

I had someone recently tell me that they don’t feel like God answers their prayers.  They believe God exists and yet their personal life doesn’t seem to demonstrate that God is really listening to their requests.  Does God answer prayers?  Is he even listening? I have to admit, although I know it is slightly scandalous […]

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Praying the Bible – Intercessory Prayer

Have you ever been praying for someone but were at a loss for words?  Or possibly you are praying for someone you have prayed for regularly and realize that you just keep saying the same words each time you pray.  Using the Bible as a template for your prayer time can be a simple solution […]

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The Silence of God

This song expresses something that is rarely talked about in Christian circles: the Silence of God. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cvytewIxll0 There have been many times when I have been overwhelmed by the silence of God.  I have prayed fervently for someone or something and all I get in response to my prayers is the deafening silence of an […]

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How Can I Know If I Am Hearing from God?

Last month I encouraged you to listen for God’s voice.  Today am going to give you six safeguards for hearing God’s voice.Once we acknowledge that God speaks to us and that we should be listening, the next step is to protect ourselves from false messages.  How do I know if the message I think I […]

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