An Encounter with the Numinous – Part 3

This is a continuation of my posts on the Numinous experience.  The previous posts were An Encounter with the Numinous and An Encounter with the Numinous – Part 2.  The Numinous experience is when a person encounters God in a way that overwhelms.  It is an experience that invokes fear, awe and a feeling of […]

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An Encounter with the Numinous – Part 2

Last month one of my most read posts was about An Encounter With the Numinous.  The Numinous experience is when a person encounters God in a way that overwhelms.  It is an experience that invokes fear, awe and a feeling of being in the presence of something that is wholly other. The prophet Isaiah had just […]

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An Encounter with the Numinous!

No, I am not writing about a new science fiction creature – beware the Numinous!  Although it does have a nice ring to it.  Actually the term Numinous is a theological term popularized by Rudolf Otto. What is the Numinous? The Numinous experience is when a person encounters God in a way that overwhelms.  It […]

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