Psalm 7 is divided into two parts. Part 1 is a cry for God to rise up and judge between David and his enemy. This section uses, almost exclusively the covenant name, YHWH, to address God and is written as a prayer to God. It ends with a sudden change of address telling the people that God will judge.
The central theme is found between Part 1 and 2 in verses 8b-9: God, judge between me and my enemies! This section is addressed to God but starts by using God's covenant name, YHWH, and ends by using God's generic name, Elohiym.
Part 2 warns the wicked that punishment is coming. This section is addressed to the people and uses the name Elohiym to refer to God.
The last verse serves as a coda giving praise to the name of God (YHWH) because He is righteous in His actions. It also functions as a transition pointing to Psalm 8 which glorifies the name of God.
God's covenant name, YHWH, is used 7 times in this psalm to represent perfection or completeness.
Part One - A Prayer to God
Save Me or They Will Kill Me
Psalm 7:1-2
David asks God to rescue him or else he will die at the hands of his enemy. David recognizes that God is his only hope. Where is your hope?
If I Am the Guilty Party, then Let Me Die
Psalm 7:3-5
David asks God to judge between him and his enemy. If David is the one at fault then allow his enemy to win. David is so sure of his innocence that he calls down a curse upon himself if he is wrong.
Rise Up and Judge
Psalm 7:6-8a
The psalmist now calls upon God to rise up in anger against the anger of his enemies.
The first half ends with a sudden change of audience from David talking to God to David talking to the people as he says, "Let the Lord judge the peoples." David places his case before the Judge and waits for justice.
Central Theme - Judge Between Me and My Enemies
Psalm 7:8b-9
These transition verses state the central and most important theme. David asks God to recognize his innocence and punish the wicked. This is the central idea of the psalm: God is a righteous judge who protects the innocent and punishes the wicked.
Interestingly, Part 1 uses the covenant name of God, YHWH, four times. This transitional section begins with the covenant name, YHWH, but ends using the generic name of God, Elohiym. Part 2 will use Elohiym or a pronoun to reference God until the last verse, which functions like a Coda.
Part Two - A Warning to the People
God Protects the Innocent
Psalm 7:10-11
God protects the innocent because He is righteous. From here on the psalm is addressed to the people rather than to God. David lets the people know that God will protect the innocent. Because He is perfectly just, the daily evil of the wicked incites God to anger on behalf of the righteous.
God Will Punish the Unrepentant
Psalm 7:12-13
Here David gives a final warning. God is prepared to go to war against the wicked unless they repent. Even as God prepares to judge, He gives them one last chance to repent. Is God calling you to repent? Don't wait ... God's arrow of judgment may already be ready to shoot.
Although none of us can be perfectly righteous, through repentance we can be right in God's sight through the sacrifice of Jesus!
They Will Get What They Planned to Give
Psalm 7:14-16
God will do to them as they have planned for others. God's punishment is always perfectly just. They will fall into the very pit they dug to capture David.
Coda - Praise God
Psalm 7:17
David is so confident that God will bring justice to his cause that he ends with a short verse of praise.
There are times in life that it may seem that evil has gained the upper hand. But Psalm 7 assures us that God is just. He will not let the wicked go unpunished. Place your hope in God and trust in His righteousness. Then with David you can sing praises to the name of the Lord, Most High.
This final song of praise to the name of God points to Psalm 8 which continues this praise.

This post is part of a series on the Psalms.
by Jerry Wyrick, President of Worship Arts Conservatory