Would you like to learn how to rejoice in the Lord? In Psalm 21 David shows us some keys to rejoicing.
Both Psalm 20 and Psalm 21 focus on the king of Israel. In Psalm 20 a blessing is pronounced on the king. In Psalm 21 the king responds by rejoicing in God's blessing.
The psalm begins and end with praise. The first and last verses functioning as bookends of praise for God and His blessings.
Like Psalm 20, Psalm 21 divides into two sections. The first section is written as a prayer to God. The second section alternates between parts addressed to God and parts about God and/or the king. These changes of address give the second section a call and response feel.
The central verse and theme is found in verse seven which functions as a transition from the opening prayer of the first half to the call and response of the second.
Psalm 21:1-6
In this section David rejoices in the blessing he has in God. The first verse sums up the reason for his joy:
the king rejoices in Your strength
Just like David we can rejoice in the strength of the Lord. We have a God that cannot be defeated. He is fully able to supply all our needs and accomplish His purpose in and through our lives.
David then rejoices that God has granted him the desire of his heart. Although God may not give us everything we want, in Christ we know that he has given us the one thing we most need: salvation in Christ. Like the psalmist we can also rejoice in God's wonderful provision: eternal life.
He asked You for life, and You gave it to him—length of days, for ever and ever.
Because of this eternal blessing we, along with David, can say,
You make him glad with the joy of Your presence.
God is Victorious
Psalm 21:7-13
A common technique throughout the psalms is to put the most important verse in the center. The first verse of this section is truly the meaningful center of the psalm.
For the king trusts in the Lord
David declares that he trusts in the Lord and through the unfailing love of God he will not be shaken. Do you want to rejoice like David? Put your trust in the unfailing love of God. He will not fail you.
The second half of the psalm celebrates the victorious power of God. God cannot be stopped. His enemies do not stand a chance against his wrath and power.
In His wrath the LORD will swallow them up
The plans and schemes of the enemies of God are useless. They cannot succeed. David ends with one final declaration of praise:
Be exalted, O Lord, in Your strength!
We will sing and praise Your power.
Do you want to live a life of rejoicing and thanksgiving? Then put your trust in God and His unfailing love. God cannot be defeated!

This post is part of a series on the Psalms.
by Jerry Wyrick, President of Worship Arts Conservatory