Lord, I am Thine, for Thou hast died for me;
Thy claim I own, and give myself to Thee;
Not with the price of gold, of gold most fine
Hast Thou redeemed my soul, and made me Thine.Thy blood was shed upon the awful tree;
I marvel at the love there shown for me
All loveless, and to sin and self a slave;—
Thy gifts enriched me, yet I nothing gave.Now in its wonder would my soul arise,
Shorn of all pride, but precious in Thine eyes,
Who for its life Thy glory laidst aside,
And wore its shame, and for its purchase died;And fired with love, that wondrous love proclaim
In life, in death, in fealty to Thy name;
In loving service, for such service given,
Here upon earth, and yonder in Thy heaven.Lord, I am Thine, Thy love hath won my soul;
Now shall my life obey such sweet control;—
No, not mine own, the purchase is complete,
I bring my all to lay it at Thy feet.by John Brownlie, 1857-1925